Assignment of a land plot purpose code in Ukraine
What is the land plot purpose code?
The purpose code consists of two blocks of digits of the format "00.00" and is used to identify
the purpose of the land plot
in the State Land Cadastre along with the definition of the purpose itself.
A complete list of current purpose codes can be found in the Classifier of types of land plots' purpose, Annex 59 to the Procedure for maintaining the State Land Cadastre, approved by Resolution No. 1051 of 17.10.2012. of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
For example, for:
- plots with the designated purpose "for the construction and maintenance of a residential building, outbuildings and structures (personal plot)" are assigned the code "02.01";
- for the land plot with the designated purpose "for placement and operation of main, auxiliary and auxiliary buildings and structures of processing, machine-building and other industries" - code "11.02";
- and for the land plot with the designated purpose "For construction and maintenance of administrative buildings, office buildings of companies engaged in business activities related to profit generation" - code "03.10";
- etc.
In total, the Classifier provides for 15 categories of land plots, each of which contains a block of designated purposes with a designated purpose code assigned to each type of designated purpose.
Problem with the lack of a purpose code for calculating the normative monetary value
To begin with, we note that the code of the designated purpose of the land plot is used to calculate the designated purpose coefficient, which in turn is used to calculate the normative monetary value of the land plot.
Starting from July 06, 2022, the calculation of the normative monetary value is carried out automatically and issued in the form of an extract at the request of the interested person submitted through the electronic cabinet of the StateGeoCadastre.
The procedure for calculating the normative monetary value is regulated by the Methodology for the normative monetary value of land plots, approved by Resolution No. 1147 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 03.11.2021.
The problem is that if the land plot is not assigned a designated purpose code, the system will not be able to calculate the normative monetary value. Accordingly, the requestor will receive a refusal to his request for an extract from the technical documentation on the normative monetary value of the land plot. The reason for the refusal will be the absence of the land plot designation code in the SLC's data.
What to do when the purpose code is missing from the cadastre
The procedure for assigning a designated purpose code to a land plot consists of four steps.
1. Obtaining an archival copy of the land management documentation on the basis of which the land plot was formed
This step is not directly regulated by Annex 58 of Resolution No. 1051, but in practice, the local StateGeoCadastre often refuses to provide a letter from the second step due to the absence of land management documentation in the electronic archive of the StateGeoCadastre, on the basis of which the land plot was formed.
That is, if the electronic archive does not contain land management documentation, it must be added to it.
Where can I get an archived copy? You can contact the local department of the StateGeoCadastre and submit a request for a certified copy of the archival documentation. If you are in Kyiv, you can obtain an archival copy by contacting the Kyiv Institute of Land Relations (32A Khreshchatyk Street).
After receiving the archival copy of the documentation, you need to contact the land surveyors who will
prepare an electronic version of
the documentation and upload it to the electronic archive of the StateGeoCadastre.
As you understand, this step is necessary only if there is no land management documentation for the land plot in the electronic archive of the StateGeoCadastre.
2. Receive a letter from the StateGeoCadastre with information on the current purpose code of your land plot
Next, you need to contact the local department of the StateGeoCadastre with a request for the current code of the land plot's designated purpose in your case. Please find attached:
- a copy of the title document to the land plot (state act, contract, certificate, etc.)
- a copy of the archival documentation on the basis of which the land plot was formed (step 1).
The term for reviewing a request is 1 month. Taking into account the postal turnover, the actual processing time may be approximately 1.5 months.
Based on the results of the review, the StateGeoCadastre department sends a letter to your mailing address indicating the current land plot designation code according to the Classifier of Land Plot Designation Types. See a sample letter about the current designated purpose code.
The information in this step is practical for sites located both in Kyiv and in the regions of Ukraine.
3. Preparation of an XML exchange file with up-to-date information on the land plot purpose code
After receiving a letter from the StateGeoCadastre with the current land use code, you should contact the land surveyors and order the development of an electronic document (XML exchange file) with updated data on the plot, including the land use code.
Certified land surveyor:
- prepares an electronic document (XML exchange file);
- affixes his/her digital signature to it;
- uploads it electronically to the StateGeoCadastre system together with the letter received in step 2.
4. Registration of changes to the State Land Code in terms of entering the code of the land plot's purpose
After reviewing the uploaded exchange file and the letter, the cadastral registrar makes changes to the cadastral data. The success of the registration of changes is confirmed by an extract from the State Land Cadastre on the land plot with updated information, in particular, on the code of the land plot's intended use.
The extract is sent to the land surveyor who sent the electronic document for registration of changes. The term for consideration is set by law at up to 14 business days. In practice, it usually takes 1-2 calendar weeks.
After receiving an extract from the SLC with up-to-date data on the land plot, you can order an extract from the technical documentation on the normative monetary value of the land plot. There are no longer any obstacles to the automatic calculation of the NMV and obtaining the relevant extract.
See also our article on the procedure for obtaining an extract on the normative monetary value of a land plot.
Regulatory and legal acts
- The Procedure for Maintaining the State Land Cadastre, approved by Resolution No. 1051 of October 17, 2012. of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1147 "On Approval of the Methodology for Normative Monetary Valuation of Land Plots" dated 03.11.2021.
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Try our new web service for checking land plot data in the State Land Cadastre
What can CadastreService:
- find information about the land plot by cadastral number (form of ownership, category, designated purpose code, type of use, area, as well as address and regulatory monetary value of the land plot, if any);
- check the correctness or availability of the land plot's designated purpose code;
- verify the correctness of the designated purpose of the land plot indicated in the cadastre;
- check the accuracy of the data on the area of the land plot;
- check the correctness of the data on the form of ownership of the land plot;
- check the accuracy of the data on the category of the land plot;
- show the location of the land plot on the map;
- show the overlap of land plots on the map, if any;
- create a route to the land plot using Google Maps.
See also: removal of fertile soil layer, extract from the state land cadastre, rights registration to a land plot