Extract from the cadastre in Ukraine. The procedure for obtaining 2025
An extract from the cadastre is a document confirming that the data of a land plot has been entered into the state land cadastre. An extract from the cadastre is also one of the forms of provision by the state cadastral registrar of information from the State Land Cadastre on a land plot.
In practice, individuals and organizations most often receive an extract from the cadastre in two cases:
- when registering a land plot in the State Land Cadastre, including when assigning a cadastral number;
- when performing any transactions with a land plot (sale and purchase, donation, exchange, lease, inheritance, etc.).
1. Extract from the cadastre when registering a plot
The first case is often relevant for owners of land plots who hold a state act of ownership of the land plot and, at the same time, are not registered in the State Land Cadastre. Thus, the owner of a land plot, having a state act in hand, submits a package of documents to the state cadastral registrar at the location of the land plot in order to enter information about the land plot into the cadastre. The information to be entered into the cadastre and displayed in the extract can be found on the page Sample cadastral extract (SCA). In confirmation of the information entered, the registrar issues an extract on registration of the land plot in the cadastre to the customer.
An exception is the situation with pink state certificates issued before 2004, which do not contain a cadastral number. In order to enter a land plot in the cadastre under such a state certificate, it is necessary to additionally develop technical documentation on establishing the boundaries of the land plot in kind (on the ground) and organize the assignment of a cadastral number, which is carried out by the state cadastral registrar. This means that several more steps are added to the procedure.
Both in the case of absence of a land plot in the SLC and in the case of an old state act, after obtaining an extract from the cadastre on the registration of a land plot, it is necessary to additionally apply to the local registrar of rights in order to register the right (ownership, lease) to the land plot. Only after all of the above steps can the land plot be sold, exchanged, donated, etc.
2. Extract from the cadastre for the notary
The second case is when an extract from the cadastre is required to conduct any transactions with a land plot (sale, purchase, gift, exchange, etc.). As a rule, we learn about the need to obtain such an extract from a notary when we intend to conclude and notarize any transaction regarding a land plot.
Such an extract from the cadastre, in addition to information on the registration of a land plot, may also contain data on regulatory and monetary valuation and data on restrictions on the use of the land plot. Previously, such information had to be provided to the notary in the form of separate certificates. Now all information about a land plot is contained in one document (an extract from the cadastre).
The procedure for issuing an extract from the cadastre is regulated by the provisions of the Procedure for Maintaining the State Land Cadastre, approved by Resolution No. 1051 of the of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Procedure for obtaining an extract from the cadastre on your own
Ukraine has introduced the possibility of ordering an extract from the cadastre online with payment by bank card. To order an extract from the State Land Cadastre online, go to the website of the StateGeoCadastre. Log in to your electronic account and order an extract of the land plot online.
If for some reason you are unable to order an extract online, the procedure for obtaining an extract in the traditional way by submitting a package of documents to the administrative service center in your district is described below.
You can obtain an extract yourself by contacting your local administrative service center (ASC). In this case, the specified body must be provided with a certain list of documents to obtain an extract from the cadastre, namely
- an application in the prescribed form (to be prepared on the spot);
- state act of ownership of the land plot;
- passport of the land plot owner or representative;
- identification number of the land plot owner or representative;
- XML file. An electronic document with data on the land plot to be entered into the State Land Cadastre (developed by a land management organization and submitted on an optical disk, in case of absence of information on the land plot in the cadastre;
- a notary's request (in case of registration of the right to inheritance);
- technical documentation on land management to establish the boundaries of the land plot in kind (on the ground), in particular, in case of an error in coordinates or overlap with another land plot;
- a receipt for payment of services for the provision of an extract from the cadastre;
- original or notarized copy of the power of attorney (if the application is submitted by a representative).
In accordance with the procedure for maintaining the SLC, an extract from the cadastre is issued on the day of the applicant's application, but in practice this provision does not always work.
As a general rule, an extract from the cadastre is valid for 3 months. Exceptions are made for extracts issued to heirs and upon initial registration of a land plot in the cadastre - they are valid for an unlimited period. However, the real right (ownership) to the land plot must be registered within one year from the date of receipt of the cadastral extract on registration of the land plot in the cadastre.
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Try our new web service for checking land plot data in the State Land Cadastre
What can CadastreService:
- find information about the land plot by cadastral number (form of ownership, category, designated purpose code, type of use, area, as well as address and regulatory monetary value of the land plot, if any);
- check the correctness or availability of the land plot's designated purpose code;
- verify the correctness of the designated purpose of the land plot indicated in the cadastre;
- check the accuracy of the data on the area of the land plot;
- check the correctness of the data on the form of ownership of the land plot;
- check the accuracy of the data on the category of the land plot;
- show the location of the land plot on the map;
- show the overlap of land plots on the map, if any;
- create a route to the land plot using Google Maps.
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